Feel into the possibility of healing with weekly love notes and join a lovely community of self-healers and healers

October Love and Facing Your Shadow

Oct 01, 2024
Crystal healing, self healing, inner child healing, Astrology, Fall, Autumn


This is a month that is astrologically asking you to face your inner shadow that affects the collective! You have a huge opportunity to look into and evaluate your relationships. The major planets will keep reminding you to prioritize your needs and communicate them effectively (without resentment or judgement!).

Do you find yourself subtly or not so subtly sabotaging yourself? Are there patterns and habits in your life that you are not too proud of and want to change? Do you need a moment to take stock of the existing LOVE in your life (aka what really matters)? If yes, check out my membership. The main focus of my Chakra Bliss Vault Inner Child Crystal Healing Membership healings this month is releasing your self-sabotage and reclaiming your light.

As a member you also get this month's new and shiny Astrology Report that explains this month's cosmic themes and What's New video and write-ups that will give you more information on each new healing. Each member also gets 44% off one 30 minute Intuitive Reading and one 1 hour Inner Child Healing with me.


There's a lot in this blog post, so take your time going through it!

With love,


P. S.

If you are new to my writing and healing work (or not), I welcome you here with open arms. My hope and intention for you is to receive the vibrational essence of my writing, each sentence is a LOVE letter channeled through me to you. Read with your whole body, let the soul message touch your heart, and allow the images, words, and stories to deeply nourish you.

Here are some powerful free resources for your healing journey.

Join me on Instagram and YouTube for inner child energetic wound healing and crystal healing inspiration.

What I am working on:

  • My brand new $11 offer for youTwo amazing EFT Tapping Meditations that have the chance to change your life completely and help you through achieving your life, career, relationship, and wellness goals. Need I say more? Click here to find out more about it.
  • My new freebie for youThis is a yummy new Inner Child Healing you won't want to miss! More info here.
  • My websiteAs you know, I am in the process of moving my website from one platform to another. I went through 400+ pages of my old/existing website, reviewing, archiving and creating a master list of what stays and goes. Next is 400+ blog posts I have written since 2014!
  • My book. Let's just say she's waiting for me to get back to her with full force. This month's healings were sooo timely for me. I love it when that happens! Talk about not so subtle self-sabotage. I am grateful to each and every healing opportunity my book is presenting me. She's a fierce force of life! I know in my heart that there's a sacred timing in all of this. Healing, trusting, and leaning into what wants to happen with her and with everything else.
  • Two beautiful events. I was so lucky to be a part of two amazing events this month: Crystal Healing Summit and Painting Your Path to Self-Expression: An Art + Wellness Online Retreat

What I am learning these days (or re-learning):

  • Seeing you is my happy place. I have been thoroughly enjoying giving Intuitive Astrology, Tarot or Turkish Coffee Readings and holding Inner Child Healing space. I'm fully present and there for you and I get to practice my healing gifts. I have started to share some of the intuitive guidance I receive on Instagram. Join me there!
  • The relationships that aren't meant for me will fall away by themselves. Sometimes painful but true. I've learnt that it isn't about me. It is just about frequencies that don't and won't match in this lifetime.
  • Peopling is hard. I feel like I keep relearning this. As an overly sensitive and intuitive empath, I dance the line of constantly being aware of everything/everyone, wanting to smooth the vibrations around me by putting on my Healer/Caretaker hat, and pulling back inside to focus on my own breathing. All of which to be honest is really physically exhausting. I am doing better, mainly because my energy levels can't handle too much peopling, and I find looots of space in my calendar to space out my interactions.
  • I need solo-dates. The unstructured, open, sometimes art, sometimes reading, sometimes journaling, sometimes aimless wandering filled hours, half a day, or, in rare occasions, a full day that I can give myself is sooo precious, nourishing, and joyful for me. They have gone from 'maybe I can do it' to 'I need it and it's good for me, so I'm putting it on my schedule'
  • I'm ok. Despite the highs and lows of my energy, mood, and emotions, I'm finding that it is easier to be there for myself (with and without help), go back to holding myself in LOVE, and fill my heart with gratitude. This OK'ness is so loving and generous with me. I have dedicated my life to staying in touch with it and creating opportunities for others to do the same. I am enjoying every minute of it being present!

What I am loving these days:

*Affiliate links

October Love and Facing Your Shadow

Oct 01, 2024

Marissa Lawton - Healing With the Sacred Feminine

Oct 01, 2024

Natalia Kuna - Healing With Angels

Sep 01, 2024