Start and end your day with two powerful EFT Tapping meditations

that will help you to:

- reset and love your nervous system,
- support your creative and career journey,
- clear your energy body,
- and deepen your inner child healing and well-being.

Yours for ONLY $11!

You'll get immediate access to the downloadable meditations after purchasing.

“I have found Damla’s healing sessions and meditations extremely helpful and honestly, life-changing.” 

Gayle V. 

These EFT Tapping Meditations are for you if:

Mornings are hard

You find that it is really hard to feel energetic or excited. It is hard to get and stay motivated. Your limiting beliefs, guilt, shame, trauma, and drama get in the way of you accomplishing what you want and need to do and making the most of your day and life.

Evenings are hard

You are exhausted, overwhelmed, and frustrated when the evening rolls around. You don't know where the day has been gone to. You feel like you should and could have done so much more with your time. There's guilt, shame, and resentment present. Sleep doesn't seem to help and it is really hard to turn your mind off to fall asleep.

Everything is hard

Your physical, emotional, spiritual, career, creative, relational, and wellness journey aren't where you want and envision them to be. You don't know how to hit the reset button and get out of this cycle of never-ending emotional roller coaster.

These two deep healing EFT Tapping Meditations have the power to change the course of your day (your life!) and give you a peaceful sleep preparing you for your next day. 

They have forgiveness, intention setting, gratitude, physical relaxation, emotional acknowledgement, opening up to soul guidance, and a lot more packed into them!

These EFT Tapping Meditations get a lot done for your nervous system and quantum vibrational state.

They have the power to change how you experience life and open up new avenues of learning and growth for you!

These meditations are great companions to any goal you may have set for yourself. 

Whether it is a relationship, career, creativity, healing, or well-being goal, they are here to support you. With daily morning and evening tapping, you'll see amazing results in ALL areas of your life, especially in your relationships, how you manage your career goals and stress, and your health and well-being journey.

Practiced daily, they will uplift you and fill you up with peace, rarest of our energetic resources.

Bit by bit, they will fill you up with hope, comfort, courage, forgiveness, and open up pathways in you and for you through your inner LOVE alignment. They are a great resource for expanding how you view yourself, your daily work (personal or otherwise), and your life. 

Give yourself the gift of starting and ending your day with LOVE!

Your soul investment is ONLY $11

Get Your Healing Meditations NOW!

These EFT Tapping Meditations will help you to:

Shift Your Perspective

With the help of these meditations, you will be able to shift from:

- overwhelm to gratitude

- constriction to expansion

- struggle to joy

- being stuck to seeing possibilities

- exhaustion to hope

- resentment to letting go

- self-criticism to self-love

Soothe & love your nervous system

You will give your body a chance to start and end your day with an open and yummy nervous system that will help you with:

- better decision making

- better communication

- longer, deeper, restful, and dream-filled sleep

- better quality of work and creativity

- more satisfaction with what you are able to accomplish in a day

Open up to a better life

These meditations will help your physical, emotional, spiritual, career, creative, relational, and wellness journey to open up to beautiful possibilities through:

- easier goal setting

- prioritizing your needs and essential tasks

- reaching your goals in a more open and expanded way

- connecting with your soul, soul guidance, and the soul of life

 - giving you a chance to reset the slate and start fresh every morning and evening

"Damla's healings and meditations have been a wonderful resource and very helpful with healing and balancing, especially in turbulent days."

K. M.

Deeply soothe and love your nervous system!

Your soul investment is ONLY $11

Get Your Healing Meditations NOW!

Here's what you'll get:

Morning EFT Tapping Meditation

This meditation offers you an amazing way to start every single day to access your full life potential. It will help you prioritize today's needs and tasks, and will give you a shiny energy state to start your day with.

This meditation is here to help you prioritize your needs and essential tasks. We often get overwhelmed with all that we need to accomplish in a day and ignore our needs.  It will also give you a chance to set your energy template at the beginning of your day by clearing any energy remnants of yesterday(s) and your limiting beliefs, and letting you step fully into the beauty and expanded potentials of today.

The meditation also involves activating your intuition and your communication with your soul helpers throughout the day.

- 31 Minutes -

Evening EFT Tapping Meditation

This powerful meditation is a way for you to clear the day's energy and get ready for a deep healing sleep. It is a wonderful meditation for clearing, processing, forgiving, and giving over anything that is out of your control to the Divine.

It is a way for you to re-affirm your enoughness. You did what you could today and in the evening it is time for you to lay it all to rest and lay yourself to rest.

This is a powerful meditation to come back to every single day to bring peace, expansion, and love to your body and being.

- 28 Minutes -

All You Need To Know About EFT Tapping

I will teach you all you need to know about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping to start enjoying and benefiting from these wonderful meditations, including:

- 9 EFT Tapping Points

- Two one-point tapping options

- The mindset needed to get the most of your meditations

- How to add these meditations to your life and the layers of healing they will impact

All yours for $11 ONLY!

Invest in Your Well-Being

You'll get immediate access to two downloadable soul healing meditations after purchasing:
- Morning EFT Tapping Meditation (31 minutes)
- Evening EFT Tapping Meditation (28 minutes)

PLUS my EFT Tapping teachings and explanations.

“Damla has become one of my most valuable allies for my healing. She is a true healer in every sense of the word. She lives and breathes her craft of healing. I can’t say it enough, Damla is simply…..the real deal.”

M. V.

These EFT Tapping Meditations are here to support you through all the ups and downs of your life.


They are here for the days that gratitude is difficult.


They are here for the days when overwhelm takes over and you don't know where to even begin.


They are here for the days that you can't see any movement or improvement in your life, career, wellness, or relationships.


They are here for the days when you feel frustrated, disappointed, disheartened, creatively blocked, and down.


They are here for the days when you already know you are so exhausted that sleep won't come easily or help you rest.


They are here for they days when you don't get the meaning of it all.


They are here for the days when life is as difficult as it gets.

Make an investment for your well-being

Your soul investment is ONLY $11

Get Your Healing Meditations NOW!