Heal your energetic wounds anywhere and anytimeÂ
Clear, ground, transform, expand, and nourish your energy systemÂ
with over 200 easy to access and follow Crystal Healings, Inner Child Crystal Healing Guided Meditations, EFT Tappings, Biofield Tunings, Wisdom Teachings, and more.
JOIN NOWONLY $11/month or $110/year
Immediately access all healings
This membership is for you if:Â
 You are going through an intense transition or transformation like a relationship, career, or wellness crisis (loss, acute illness, separation, divorce, job change, retirement, empty-nesting, etc.) and you need to deepen your healing and receive energetic and nervous system support.
You are on the precipice of a deep transition and transformation you desire or is coming at you in full speed like achieving your next wellness, career, relationship goal or there's an intense transformation coming your way (becoming a mom, perimenopause and menopause, changing jobs, parent health issues, empty-nesting, writing a book, expanding your healing business, etc.) and you need to deepen your healing and receive energetic and nervous system support.
You are just trying to get through daily life as a person living with energetic wounds and trauma and you feel the weight and struggle of life every single day, your health and well-being fluctuates, your relationships are challenging, your job is nowhere near where you'd like it to be and you need to deepen your healing and receive energetic and nervous system support.
You are in the right place and this membership is just what you need!
You need regular energy healing because...

Your energetic wounds run deep and your non-life affirming patterns often blind-side you.
They come out to disrupt your life when you don’t take care of your energetic needs.
When you experience discomfort, uneasy emotions, situations, or lack of energy, you realize that there is a huge need for deeper energetic wound healing in your system.

Your vibration speaks much louder than your words or actions.
Your energy field is the first thing that interacts with anyone you love and the life around you.
It determines the quality of life you get to live as well as who or what you attract to yourself.

You need regular energy maintenance to function at your best.
You are a vibrational being (a drop of OM), swimming in a sea of vibration (a sea of OM).
You get affected by all that is going on in your personal relationships as well as your community and the world.
You need time, space, and loving support to maintain a healthy energy system.

Your precious life spark deserves your daily care.
You deserve to take time aside for energetic healing and well-being every single day.
You are not just made up of your skin, bones, and blood. You are a multidimensional energetic being who has changing energetic needs every single moment.
"These healings got me through this past year.
They really helped me so much after experiencing loss. Damla's voice is so soothing and relaxing. The healings helped me release my fears and feel more grounded."
E. B. K.

All you need is to be held in love.
This is your secret vault, your go to place to find calm, healing and relief whenever and wherever you need it.
All healing sessions are recorded with a huge amount of love.
Each and every healing session is full of high vibrational energy healing that you can trust.
You can lean on the Chakra Bliss Vault healing library more and more for much needed physical and energetic relief.

You are the Healer
The actual healing work is done by your highest self, highest vibrational soul helpers and the divine love of the universe.
Each healing gives you a container to allow you to experience your own healing magic.
Every healing -unless specified- is a silent crystal healing session over soothing music with a brief introduction and closing.
You are completely in charge of allowing the healing to happen in your own way.

When you are ready, healing finds a way in you
You only need to make time to connect with your own healing resources. All the healings in the Chakra Bliss Vault are here to help you do that.
Each participant, through a common intention, receives exactly what they need when they tune in.
Each session is uniquely designed to clear, ground, nourish, transform, expand, and rejuvenate your energy system.
You can listen to them again and again, and experience deeper layers of wound healing.

About Your Healer
Damla Aktekin is an Inner Child Energetic Wound Healer, Crystal Healing Teacher, and Soul Healing Writer who helps other self-healers and healers move beyond their energetic wounds and shine brighter than they thought possible so that they can fully show up in their lives to heal themselves, their families, and their soul community.
Through her own healing journey, she has discovered how to co-create deep healing connections with crystals. She now lovingly shares this experience through this membership as well as her powerful private healing sessions.
“I have found Damla’s healing sessions extremely helpful and honestly, life-changing.”
Gayle V.
ONLY $11/month or $110/year
Immediately access all healings
Imagine the possibilities...

How would your day change if...
You could close your eyes and immerse yourself in healing goodness for 5 minutes?

How would you become a different person if...
You had a chance to work with and heal an energetic wound with a focused healing session every month?

How would your life change if...
You could clear, expand, transform, and nourish your energy field according to what you need every month?
All of this is possible for you with the
Chakra Bliss Vault Crystal Healing Membership
"Chakra Bliss Vault healings are a daily date, especially going to sleep.
Almost overnight I listen to a session. My dreams come alive…in more ways than one."
K. S.
Here's what you will get:

Energy Tune Up
30 minute crystal energy healing session to give you much-needed energy clearing, expansion, transformation, and downloads of all the energies you need in a particular moment.
Everyday you are exposed to a different vibrational and cosmic landscape. This tune up is designed to support and balance your energy field and nourish your inner children. It also includes a deep energetic field and space clearing.
$330/year value

Mini Energy Tune Ups
Monthly 5 or 10 minute mini crystal energy healing session to clear, ground, and bring coherence to yourself whenever and wherever you need to.
Sometimes you don’t have 30 minutes to take care of yourself and your needs. But you can always take 5 minutes to breathe and realign with your soul. These mini energy tune ups are designed as a deep container of love to help you make the most of each healing minute you get, and bring you back to balance and presence quickly and easily.
Here are some sessions already in the Vault:
10 Minute Deep Relaxation
10 Minute Manifesting Your Best Life
10 Minute Feeling Safe In Your Body
10 Minute Embodying Gratitude
10 Minute Listening To Your Intuition
And more
$330/year value

Focused Healings
Monthly 45 minute crystal energy healing healing session to address deeper levels of energetic wound healing.
I intuitively choose healing focus areas I come across most often in my clients, knowing that we all carry these wounds to some extent. By taking the time to heal these focused healing areas, you’ll get to address some deep wounding and bring relief to your energy system.
Here are some sessions already in the Vault:
Feeling Seen, Heard and Understood
Opening Up To Receiving Abundance
Clearing The Non-Beneficial Energy Of Social Media
Releasing self-criticism and self-judgement
Akashic Records Activation And Healing
Receiving Dream Guidance
Deep Womb Clearing
And more
$990/year value

Healing Meditations
Monthly guided healing meditations to take you deeper in your healing journey.
These meditations are all about deeply diving into your inner landscape and awakening your healing potentials.Â
Here are some healing meditations already in the Vault:
Awakening Your Crystalline Nature Healing Meditation
Journey Into Your Body For Deep Inner Child Healing Meditation
Deep Empath Clearing And Support Healing Meditation
Spiraling Deep Chakra Healing Crystal Meditations
Ancestral Healing EFT Tapping Meditation
Morning and Evening Deep Clearing EFT Tapping Meditations
And more
$660/year value

Major Astrological Transits
An interpretation of the major astrological events that happen monthly. A deep look into what they mean for you.
A guided map into how to ride the major celestial waves that affect you deeply every month.
$330/year value

Healing Crystalline Movements
Gentle movement for deep inner child/fascia healing and soul connection to your crystalline body.
Rediscovering and re-writing who you are with each deep, sensual, and primal movement-love-connection.
$330/year value
"I encourage everyone to join the Chakra Bliss Vault! It has been really helpful to me. Energetic healing is an important part of self care. You won’t regret it!
I’ve been enjoying the monthly energy tune ups a lot. This month’s healings have been very helpful as I had been feeling rather depleted lately. If I only have a short amount of time, such as when I’m at work, the 5-minute mini energy tune up is perfect. I’m very grateful for this monthly membership!"
Rebecca Stockbridge
You will also get:

Bonus Focused Healings
10 hour long Biofield Tuning with tuning fork sessions for deep energetic wound healing.
$1100 value

Additional Healing Resources
Ancestral healing interview, self-healing webinar, and more.
$330 value

Member Only Discounts
44% OFF one private Inner Child Healing session with Damla to accelerate and deepen healing your energetic wounds.
44% OFF one 30 Minute Intuitive Reading with Damla to receive channeled guidance and get to clarity.
$333 value

Healing Community
Weekly support and connecting with extraordinary self-healers within a safe and inclusive healing space.

Access all Healings anywhere and anytime with our Mobile App
All Healings are at your fingertips anytime and anywhere with a super convenient Mobile App that is available through Apple IOS and Google Play.
"Chakra Bliss Vault Membership has been a wonderful resource
and very helpful with healing and balancing, especially in turbulent days.'" K. M.
With regular crystal energy healing you can experience:

Freedom from repeating wound patterns
Decreased reactivity and bursting emotions
Lack of repetitive non-life affirming thoughts
Letting go of the false and limiting beliefs
Forgiveness and letting go of resentments

Increased physical and emotional ease and comfort
Feeling grounded
Better sleep
Increased awareness
Relief and release
Calmness and crystal clarity
Better decision making

A deeper connection with your soul and life
Deeply caring for your inner child
Feeling seen, heard and understood on a deep vibrational level
Better relationships and being able to be present for your life and for the people you love
Honoring and understanding the gifts of your ancestors
"Chakra Bliss Vault helped me through my breakup of marriage and the many changes that come with it.
The realization of taking time to rest and being in session with Damla anytime anywhere has been so helpful for my well-being of becoming who I am meant to be. Thank you Damla." Karen O.
This membership is for you if...

You want to heal
You know that you have energetic wounds and you want to begin to work on healing them.
You want to get unstuck and move towards feeling and being whole.
You are looking for relief from stress, trauma, and drama of your life and the world.

You make yourself a priority
You want to carve out time to deeply nourish yourself and meet your energetic needs.
You wish to deeply nourish your body, soul and energy system, and remember the light and love that you already are.
You want to deepen your meditations and experience the restorative benefits of deep relaxation.

You take your healing seriously
You accept the responsibility for your own vibrational well-being and to take the best care of your energy field.
You understand that energy healing works on a multidimensional level and affects all areas of your life.
Your energetic well-being means that you have the capacity to be in healthy and sustainable relationships. Your healing is a service not just to you, but to everyone around you.

You are looking for a gentle energetic support
You need a way to maintain your energetic well-being.
You are looking for a way to supplement your private healing work with me or another a Healer.
You want to make sure that you are supported while you integrate the deep healing work you have done with me or another Healer.
"This is incredible!
I was so tense in my shoulders and neck and had low back pain from splitting some wood. I listened to the 10 minute Meeting Your Energetic Needs healing session in the Chakra Bliss Vault. During the healing, I had this twitch in/on my heart like a click of a lock opening or crack of a knuckle or twig snapping. I've had muscle flutters cross my heart at times but nothing like this! Afterward, I had tingling sensations in my fingers, palms and the top of my head. They felt lighter somehow."
A. N.
Your healing awaits!
Tend to your energetic needs daily and begin to deeply heal your energetic wounds
JOIN NOW"I love the healings and feel so much more grounded."
Elizabeth K.
Invest in your healing with the Chakra Bliss Vault Membership
Immediately access all healings
"True healers know that wellness is the order of the day, so they do not allow themselves, even for a moment, to see anything other than that.
So, the power of the healer is in the power to influence the one who needs to be healed into a vibration that allows the healing that they are summoning. A healing that they could get, even without the healer, but they can get faster with a healer’s influence."
How does a crystal healing membership work?
How and why do recorded group crystal energy healings work?
Why do I need an energy tune-up?
What is the difference between a Mini Tune Up, Energy Tune Up, a Focused Healing, and a Bonus Focused Healing?
Do I need any previous meditation, crystal or energy healing experience?
I already have a meditation, crystal healing, or self-healing practice, how will this membership help me?
How do I know if my energy is protected within the group?
How do I know that the crystal energy healing is working?
Will I be able to easily access all healings?
Can I cancel my membership at any time?
I have another question not answered here, what is the best way to ask it?
ONLY $11/month or $110/year
Immediately access all healings

Not sure if this is the right membership for you?
That is alright. I'm sure there's a reason our paths crossed.
You are welcome to try any of my free healing resources that will get you started on your energetic wound healing journey.
Contact me with any questions you might have.