Download a FREE Inner Child Crystal Healing to help you hold your inner children in LOVE

Being Held In Love by the Divine Mother

Inner Child Crystal Healing

This Inner Child Crystal Healing will help you to let your inner children be held by the unconditional love of the Divine Mother any time you need to. The love that the Divine Mother has for you is deep, unconditional, and fierce. Divine Mother is the Earth, she is every mother, grandmother and Goddess who ever lived, lives, and will live. 

This is the kind of love that is without any judgment or expectation. This is the kind of love that you can bring all your imperfections, doubts, fears, worries, and troubles to. This is the kind of love you can bring all your wishes, intentions, dreams, goals, and what you want to manifest to. 

Being vulnerable while being fully accepted is a tremendous healing gift. That is what this healing is about. Your inner children that live in your body desperately need this gift. Any time you feel discomfort, doubt, unease, fears, or worries, listen to this healing to be held by the unconditional love of the Divine Mother.

We all need mothering, and a lot of us are catching up on it while mothering ourselves because of lack of it in this lifetime or others. This is the strongest and yet gentlest healing I have ever recorded to date. It was inspired by my visit to the chamber of the Goddess Sekhmet in the Karnak Temple in Egypt. My hope and wish for you is to keep coming back to it again and again. And I hope in doing that you realize that this love, this unconditional presence is there for you always.

 Once you sign up, you will receive an email with instructions to download your 45 minute audio Inner Child Crystal Healing recording. This is a mostly silent inner child crystal healing over soothing music with a brief introduction and an ending.

Your Inner Child is patiently waiting for you

Give yourself and all your inner children the gift of being known, loved, and fully accepted by the Divine Mother.

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