Grand Transformational Cycle of Pluto and Inner Child Healing
Nov 01, 2024
What was happening in your life in 2005? What were the main themes of your life? What have you learned in the last 18 years and how have you evolved? How would you like to evolve in the next 19 years? These are the main questions Pluto is asking us this November to ponder.
As Pluto is dancing around the 30th and final degree of Capricorn, we are asked to feel into all the lessons and the culmination of the past 18 years. Pluto, the planet of deep transformation and death and rebirth is moving into Aquarius on November 19th, starting a new 19 year cycle. Those of us who have been around enough cycles know that each cycle asks something new and different of you and demands you to learn something new.
In 2005, my grandmother passed away, I got married, and in February 2006 my migraines started, all of which catapulted me to into my healing journey that has led me to crystal healing, inner child healing, mantras, EFT Tapping, and more.
Pluto has had a big say in the Healer that I am today as he demanded me to shed reality after reality, role after role, relationship after relationship, until what remained has been a pure LOVE connection to myself and ALL the world.
My Inner Child Crystal Healings are informed by this grand transformation. Pluto has turned me into the Healer that I am today, one that can hold compassionate space for all your transformational journeys. I know that our crystalline bodies hold deep wisdom and sooo much potential for love and joy. I also know that without the softness and space holding of a seasoned Healer, you can spend years trying to access that potential.
We are going through increasingly transformational times that are asking us of EVERYTHING. The everything includes making peace with your wounding and reawakening the joy, peace, love, creativity, and playfulness in you, aka your inner children.
If you want abundance, connect with your inner children.
If you want to create the life and relationships you want, connect with your inner children.
If you want to get healthier and more vibrant, connect with your inner children.
The life and love potentials that live underneath your skin in your sacred crystalline quantum body are limitless. Let us go into the underworld of your being (your body), let me hold your hand and guide you through the language that is spoken there, and let me show you how much life, love, and abundant joy is waiting for you there.
You have the option to work with me in a single session and or three or five session packages.
With a single session, we can get a lot done and you will make contact with an inner child that lives in you and longs to be seen by you.
With three sessions, we can deeply explore one wound from several layers and uncover and awaken your most potent inner child.
With five or more sessions, you will develop an amazing relationship with your inner children, and add a whole lot of light and love into your life.
I hope that you give yourself the gift of uncovering what is beyond your trauma in this season of transformation and change.
With love,
P. S.
If you are new to my writing and healing work (or not), I welcome you here with open arms. My hope and intention for you is to receive the vibrational essence of my writing, each sentence is a LOVE letter channeled through me to you. Read with your whole body, let the soul message touch your heart, and allow the images, words, and stories to deeply nourish you.
Here are some powerful free resources for your healing journey.
Join me on Instagram and YouTube for inner child energetic wound healing and crystal healing inspiration.