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When You Complete A Huge Astrological Cycle...

astrology Jun 03, 2024
Astrology Cycles, Jupiter, Self-Care

Summer is in the air. Everything feels a little better and a little more expanded in the Northern hemisphere. It is actually so much more than that. Let me explain.

Jupiter just moved into Gemini on May 23. The last time Jupiter was in Gemini was in June 2012. What this means is that we all, collectively and individually, just completed a 12 year long cycle.

I strongly felt this. 2012 is when my daughter was born and I became a mom. I went through a huge cycle of lessons, healing, and transformation in the last 12 years. I feel like I am just now re-emerging as my new self. I feel a lot more comfortable in my skin, with who I am and where I am. I feel that I moved through an enormous amount of learning and growing.

What does this mean for you? Where were you in your life in 2012? What have you been through since then? What have you learned, moved away from, and moved towards in the last 12 years? What are you most proud of about all of this? How can you begin to honor all that you have already been through? How can you celebrate who you are and where you are now?

Would you like to learn more about this month and what it all means for you?

To see my full (and very detailed) Major Astrology Transits Report, ā€‹become a Chakra Bliss Vault Memberā€‹.

To find out what Astrological weather that affects you the most, ā€‹book an Inner Child Soul Astrology Reading with meā€‹ (hint: CBV members get 44% off one 30 minute Intuitive Reading per year!).

I know that we are all moving through constant lessons. But June, especially the beginning of it, looks especially amazing Astrologically for celebrating your already completed lessons, being proud of yourself and your journey, and counting your blessings thrice.

One thing I am in the middle of to honor this cycle is a deep Marie Kondo-ing of my house. We moved to our home exactly 12 years ago in May, so it feels fitting. My husband and I have built and organized several Ikea cabinets already. I am slowly but surely going through every single drawer, cupboard, and possession with my label maker and containers at hand. We have taken out every box in our basement (basement or any bulk storage area of your home is a great symbol for your subconscious btw.) to review, reduce, and organize. We are still a little bit in the messy middle but it already feels so good in the parts that we were able to touch, love, and honor.

I wish you a wonderful, sun-filled June with lots of deep reflection, gratitude, and love,

With so much LOVE,


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