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September 2024 Astrology - One big thing you need to know!

astrology Aug 29, 2024
inner child soul astrology readings, healing inner child energetic wounds


This is a month that is astrologically asking you to choose between your needs and wants wisely, and keep reprioritizing what is most important! You will also be asked to dance with your mind and emotions. It may involve being pulled in two (or more) different directions all at once!

On September 1 retrograde Pluto moves into Capricorn in 30 degrees AND Uranus goes retrograde in 28 degrees Taurus. Pluto will move into this degree for the last time in our lifetimes the day before Labor Day and will sit there for 80 days (until November 20) during which it will station direct. What this means for you is wherever 30 degrees Capricorn (29 leading to 30) hits your chart, Pluto will do one last sweep of transformation, renewal by fire, and (deeper than you ever thought or wanted) letting go. Then he will happily hang out with the new Aquarius energies for the next 19 years (until March 8, 2043). In case you are wondering what it is all about, this is a huge deal. Pluto in Aquarius means major social change for all of us. On a personal level, it will depend on your chart.

 Uranus, the planet of anything can and will happen will go retrograde in Taurus to hopefully give you a rest of the unexpected or he may keep throwing things at you at a slower pace!

You can access my full monthly Astrology report within the Chakra Bliss Vault Membership. Become a member to better understand the cosmic winds that are affecting all of us! 

There's a lot happening Astrologically until the end of the year that is potentially life changing. You may want to know how to be prepared!

Book a personal intuitive Astrology reading with me where I channel unique soul symbols for you and break down how all this cosmic craziness will affect you!


 Chakra Bliss Vault members get 44% off one 30 minute reading per year. 


What I am healing right now

Renewing my gratitude practice. I wrote this book/journal on gratitude based on an ancient myth. Of course I am asked to deepen this practice every single day. I came across this video that stopped me in my tracks. I realized that I have a ton of dreams that came true and I am interested in enjoying them even more by taking them in with all the life they bring and letting go of complaining.

My inner children. I keep running into a few repeating themes that I am solely focusing on right now. Fun things like 'I am not enough if I don't do a lot', abandonment wound and loneliness, and being exiled keep coming up. My healing process involves LOTS of inner child healing and crystal healing (with all the healings and healing meditations I share in the ​Chakra Bliss Vault Membership​) and getting help when my time and resources allow.


What I am working on

Editing my book. Coming along nice and steady.

Pricing For Healers Online Course. I keep getting a ton of downloads about it and keep writing them down. She is baking nicely in me for now.

All the usuals. Podcast and summit guesting, membership recordings, website updates, social posting, emails, managing my time with my clients, and all the good things that come with my dream of running a healing business!


What I am loving

 This book that is everything. Best thing I've read in a long while.*

 This book that warmed my heart and I didn't want it to end.*

 This yummy tea that is getting me ready for Fall.*

 This weighted blanket that calms me down every day.

 This amazing app that brightens your day and is actually worth the money.

 This great app that lets me keep track of how healthy and satisfying my meals are without counting calories.

 This amazing quantum moment captured in a picture.

 This new gadget and its ASMR sounds. ✨*


With love,



*affiliate links

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