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Marissa Lawton - Healing With the Sacred Feminine

podcast Oct 01, 2024
Conversations With Healers Podcast hosted by Damla Aktekin


In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Marissa Lawton, Licensed Therapist with a Business and Marketing background, Host of the Rooted Feminine Podcast, girl Mom, and a Conduit for ancient women's wisdom who helps women connect with their sacred feminine.

We talked about:

  • Marissa's journey from a masculine-driven life to embracing the sacred feminine,
  • The wisdom in sacred feminine archetypes and how you can begin to apply this wisdom into your life,
  • How initiation and transformation cycles can be pivotal in your growth,
  • What the seasons and cycles of life are here to remind you, and how feminine archetypes can support you in every season of your life,
  • How to lean on restorative practices and self-care for balance between masculine and feminine energies,
  • Owning your power and asking for help too,
  • And more.

You can find out more about Marissa and her work at her website and on Instagram. Take her free quiz that will tell you what season of rooting you may be in.

With love and light,



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