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Karen Miller - Healing Through Green Witchery And Your Soul Expression

podcast May 02, 2024
Conversations With Healers Podcast hosted by Damla Aktekin



In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Karen Miller, Green Witch, Eclectic Pagan, Certified Moonologer, Reiki Master and Teacher, Animist, Shamanic Practitioner, Ordained Minister, Equestrian, and Mom to a human daughter and many animals. Karen teaches how to relate with all parts of nature with a gentle sensibility. I truly enjoyed chatting with her!

We talked about:

  • What being a Green Witch means and how to define being a witch in these modern times,
  • The beauty of owning your soul expression,
  • The magic and medicine of horses,
  • Walking the wheel of the year and following the moon cycles,
  • Learning and unlearning who and what you are,
  • And a lot more!

You can find out more about Karen and her work at her website and Instagram. You can check out her free resource: Working With The Mystical Energies Of The Moon - A Beginner's Guide

With love and light,



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