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Jason Medlock - Healing Through Exploring Consciousness

podcast Apr 01, 2024
Conversations With Healers Podcast hosted by Damla Aktekin


In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Jason Medlock, Quantum Healing Hypnotist, Mindset Performance Coach, Remote Viewer, Galactic Energy Healer, and Author of Empowered By Consciousness. Jason is a multi-faceted healer with a lot to offer. It was fascinating to talk to him.

We talked about:

- Hypnosis and how it works,

- The power of affirmations and how past life regression can make them stronger,

- What remote viewing is and how it can help you answer questions and make choices,

- The idea of finding your own way of doing things and choosing healing methods that work for you,

- the importance of your self-healing and connection to source as a Healer,

- and much more.

You can find out more about Jason and his work at his website and his Instagram. Jason is offering two free hypnosis recordings at the bottom of this page.

With love and light,



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