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Brian Berneman - Healing Through Family Constellations

podcast Mar 01, 2024
Conversations With Healers Podcast hosted by Damla Aktekin


In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Brian Berneman, Conscious Living Expert, Holistic Coach and Practitioner, Somatic Healer, Family Constellation Facilitator, Speaker, Co-founder of Conscious Action and You Being You. He blends ancient wisdom and modern science to help you live a more healthy, balanced, and meaningful life.

We talked about:

- Brian's unique healing and becoming a Healer story,

- somatic healing practices and how they can help you,

- family constellations for revealing and healing unrecognized family dynamics,

- the magic of gathering in community,

- why connection to ourselves, our ancestors, and each other matters.

- and more.

You can find out more about Brian and his work at his website and Instagram. Here's the Netflix show we mentioned that covers family constellations beautifully.

Brian is kindly offering a free online 1-1 family constellation session to one of our listeners. To be considered please like and comment to the episode reel on my Instagram page and DM Brian. This offer is available only within the first week of airing this episode.

With love and light,



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