Amanda Kate - Healing Through Our Divine Messy Humanity
Jun 03, 2024
In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Amanda Kate, Self-Mastery Facilitator, Archetypal Life Coach, Kinesiologist, and the Author of 'Divine Messy Human - A Spiritual Guide To Prioritizing Internal Truth Over External Influence'. Amanda is a Healer who embodies a lovely bubbly energy. It was wonderful to chat with her.
We talked about:
- Her story of becoming a Healer,
- What Kinesiology can teach us about self-healing,
- Owning both our divine and messy parts and what self-mastery is all about,
- Heroine's journey versus the Hero's journey,
- What aligned bravery means and how the healing work you are avoiding is often the work that will change your life,
- And a lot more.
You can find out more about Amanda and her work at her website and her Instagram
With love and light,
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