Alara Sage - Healing Through Womb Alchemy
Jul 01, 2024
In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Alara Sage, Founder of Creator Consciousness, Womb Shaman, and Intuitive Healer and Coach.
We talked about:
- Her story of spontaneous Kundalini Shakti awakening in 2013,
- Womb as a portal of accessing infinite potentials and how to activate its magnetism and healing powers,
- How suffering can turn into grace,
- The power of the womb-voice connection,
- How pleasure can be a portal to prosperity,
- And more.
You can find out more about Alara and her work at her website and Instagram. You can get her free 44 Page E-Book Awakening Aliveness E-Book that will help you unlock more intimacy, sensuality, and power at this link.
With love and light,
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