August 2024 Astrology (think intense!)
Aug 01, 2024
August is here!
This is a month that is astrologically asking you to hold it together as best as you can! There's a lot happening Astrologically. Mercury is once again retrograding almost the entire month, August 5 to 28. It is a good idea to back up all your files and sign up for online identity protection already! The biggest and strongest thing is the super grand square Full Moon on August 19 that will activate all the major players. I suggest staying under the covers that day!
Here's why:
(This is a little sneak peek from my full Astrology Report in Chakra Bliss Vault Membership)
August 19 has a Full Moon in 28 degrees Aquarius.
Moon opposite Sun, Mercury (R) and Vesta in Leo.
Sun, Vesta and Mercury (R) conjunct in Leo 27 and 28 degrees.
Sun and Moon square Uranus in Taurus (28 degrees), and square Pallas Athena in Scorpio (25 degrees).
AND Jupiter conjunct Mars in Gemini. They both square Saturn (R) in Pisces (18 degrees) and Venus in Virgo (23 degrees).
AND Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn (R) in Pisces (18 degrees)
Here's what all of this means for you: this is a day to stay under the covers. Yes, it is that intense.
Sun, Vesta and Mercury in Leo are asking you to bring out your light and reap the benefits of what you have been sowing. Uranus in Taurus and Pallas Athena in Scorpio are saying 'not so fast!'. They want to know that you have made your body and deep emotional healing a priority. In other words, they are saying 'have you learned anything from this harvest cycle about how to take care of yourself? If yes, show us!'.
Meanwhile Venus in Virgo is trying to ground herself from all the celestial chaos but it hasn't been possible. Opposite of her, Saturn in Pisces keeps pulling her deeper into her unresolved trauma and pain body and saying 'When you think you already let go of everything, let go some more!' On top of this, Jupiter comes together with Mars in Gemini and they both ask you to take big impressive action towards your well-being and goals. However they both square the poor ungrounded Venus (your Goddess self and head space right now) and the karmic teacher Saturn, who has been especially moody since he is in retrograde in Pisces.
All I have to say about today is good luck out there!
My plan: stay under the covers all day long! (possibly all month!)
You can access my full monthly Astrology report within the Chakra Bliss Vault Membership. Become a member to better understand the cosmic winds that are affecting all of us!β
There's a lot happening Astrologically until the end of the year that is potentially life changing. You may want to know how to be prepared!
Book a personal intuitive Astrology reading with me where I channel unique soul symbols for you and break down how all this cosmic craziness will affect you!
What I am working on
My book on crystal healing is in her final stages. As it happens in huge life-changing creative endeavors like this one, all things are pulling me in all sorts of different ways right now. I am working on that final push to get her into your hands as soon as I can!
My membership. I have been working on connecting with Guest Healers and Teachers for the remainder of 2024 for the Chakra Bliss Vault Membership. All I have to say is hang on tight! There's an extraordinary line up of Healings and Teachings for you within the still super affordable Vault!
My sanity and well-being. This summer has been filled with all sorts of home improvement and organization projects, some unforeseen home repairs, a few necessary health procedures both for me and my husband, managing my daughter's camps and all other summer activities, and trying to stay afloat as a parent, partner, business owner, sensitive intuitive empath, and human! It has been a lot to say the least. I am primarily focusing on staying sane and healthy and leaning into ALL my healing tools.
What I am learning
Burnout is real! My body has her own timeline and she deserves to be respected. She keeps reminding me this in big and small ways!
I don't have to do everything all at once. This one's a work in progress. I tend to push myself too hard then deal with the burnout later. It gets harder when I can see the finish line. Working on 'one step at a time' as my mantra.
Whatever is is enough. This one comes in waves. It is a loving balm that I keep coming back to when my vision of where I see things is real and so is my exhaustion.
What I am loving
βThis amazing novel * So wonderfully written with so many different layers.
βThis extraordinary film/documentary that melted my heart. Best thing I have watched in the last few years.
βThis practice that I came back to this month that is a miraculous life saver *
βThis GOAT's journey. So inspiring!
βThis handy tool for my morning protein shakes *
With lots of deep love and gratitude,
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