Crystal Healing Journal

Go on an enchanted journey to help you cultivate a loving relationship with crystals, yourself, your soul, soul helpers, and the soul of life through a 21-day step by step guided crystal healing practice.

Step Into Crystal Healing Magic

With this journal, I will walk you through a 21-day crystal healing meditation journey to help you cultivate a loving relationship with crystals, yourself, your soul, soul helpers, and the soul of life.

You will not only learn a wonderful practice but also a way to relate to yourself and your life in a brand new way.

This journal is your chance to step into experiencing crystal healing magic first hand.

Through dedicated journaling prompts, deepening tips and gentle and to the point guidance, you’ll have a chance to jump right into your crystal healing practice.

With each practice, your connection with your crystals and with yourself will grow.

You will have the chance to gradually release more and more stress, anxiety, worry, and you will receive deeper intuition, guidance, relaxation, and healing.

The goal is not only to help you learn to meditate with crystals; it is to show you that partnering with crystals can help you create a new vibrational reality.

Get Your Journal

My crystal healing journey began as I was in the midst of healing my energetic wounds.  I was so tired as a new mom that I couldn’t sleep, meditate, or find relief. I was desperately searching for a new way to connect with my body and soul, since anything I knew up until that point wasn’t working. I stumbled into crystals and crystal healing, and began to experiment with crystal healing meditations. 

I decided to do it my way, which was simply following my intuition and listening to what crystals and my body communicated to me moment-to-moment. I started to see intense colors, hear guidance, and experience relief. It was a gradual process, but I somehow knew that the crystal world had a lot to teach me in my healing journey. I started to offer crystal healing sessions to my family first, then to private clients, then in group sessions. People began to ask me questions and I began to dive deeper into my crystal healing practice to find the answers. After years and years of self-practice and healing people in one-on-one & group sessions, I created my online course Crystal Healing Simplified to help people understand how and why crystals work as well as how to begin to connect with them intuitively, just like I did.

Along the way, I discovered that crystal healing is about love, connection, and cultivating a relationship with crystals, yourself, your soul helpers, and the soul of life. It is not about memorizing factoids or knowing the geological names and properties of crystals, and it is definitely not about ‘using’ them to gain something. You connect, you respect, you appreciate, you love, and the crystals will open up their magical world to you, just like that.

My healing journey connects with yours here. This journal came to me in a dream, complete with each page. Upon waking up, I had to rush to take notes so I didn’t forget. Something in the universe wanted this journal to be created through me. I am grateful for being the vehicle.

This journal is here to help you cultivate a sacred and loving connection with your crystals, yourself, your soul, your soul helpers, and the soul of life.

You are invited to go on a 21-day magical healing journey with crystals. Through 21 crystal healing meditation Healing Notes and 21 Crystal Healing deepening Tips, you'll step into experiencing crystal healing magic.

Deepen Your Relationship With Crystals and Yourself

With each practice, your connection with your crystals and with yourself will grow.

With each practice, you will gradually release more and more stress, anxiety, worry, and you will open up to receive deeper intuition, guidance, relaxation, and healing.

The goal is not only to help you learn to meditate with crystals; it is show you that partnering with crystals can help you create a new vibrational reality.

Through regular crystal healing meditation, you can experience:

A deeper connection with your body, soul, and soul helpers

Better relationships and the ability to be more present in your life and for the people you love

Increased awareness

Relief and release

Decreased reactivity and bursting emotions

Freedom from repeating wound patterns

Calmness and crystal clarity

Better decision making

Increased physical ease and comfort

Letting go of false and limiting beliefs

Feeling grounded

Better sleep

Lack of repetitive negative thoughts

Forgiveness and letting go of resentments

Deeply caring for your inner child

Feeling seen, heard, and understood on a deep vibrational level

Crystals are representations of beauty, nature, geometry, order, and coherence.

They give you a chance to carry nature in your hands and connect with the loving presence of Earth whenever you need to. They are beloved vibrational co-creators who have partnered with humanity throughout all ages.

There is no wrong way of healing with crystals.

They offer a gentle, energetic support and a powerful way to deepen your meditation and self-healing practice.

All you need to do is create some space in your life to engage with them with an open heart and mind!

This journal will help you do just that!

Begin Your Crystal Healing Journey

Something inside of you was drawn to this journal and crystal healing meditation practice. Something inside of you wants to connect with you and heal with the help of crystals.

It is time for you to find enough courage, dedication, persistence, love, and willingness to start and maintain your crystal healing journey with the help of this journal.

May you find what you are looking for in these pages and in life.

May you learn to be okay with what was, what is, and what might be.

May your crystal healing meditation practice flourish and expand beyond your wildest imagination.

May there be healing, transformation, acceptance, forgiveness, and blessings for all of us while you engage with these pages and beyond.

Cultivate A Loving Connection With Your Crystals